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Snippet from WIP

It's been a long time since I shared something I was working on. I thought I'd give you a bit of the dragon story that I am. Today. Tell me what you think. :)

NOTE: This is a draft, subject to change. All rights reserved. But you CAN share the link to this if you would like as long as everything remains intact.


Still no sounds appeared outside the door. Nothing moved, nothing stirred. Through the window, she saw no wind, no shadows, nothing lurking about. But something was out there. It slid across her skin, within her flesh like millions of pins prickling against her nerves.
Everything heightened. Even the forest beyond the cottage seemed to have stilled. Waiting. Sensing something headed her way.
Alara backed up to her bedroom until the back of her legs smacked against the mattress. She almost tumbled backward. Steadying herself, she leaned to the side and stretched her fingers out. Without removing her attention from the door, she grabbed her boots. In her haste, she knocked one of them over and mumbled to herself, “cursed boots.”
But there was something out there. She shoved her foot into the boot she held. Then she bent to the side again, further than before, as far over as she could before she toppled, and fumbled in the darkness under the bed for the other one.
The tips of her fingers found purchase and touched the top edge of her boot that had crawled under the bed to hide in the gloom. Even her clothes sensed the ominous feeling encroaching and wanted to scurry away to hide. Her fingers slid along the side of the boot and she wrapped her hand around the leather, then dragged it from beneath the bed. The boot protested and the sole grumbled against the boards, nooooooooo don’t make me.
She didn’t blame them.
So close.
Alara straightened her back. A small cry slipped from between her lips and she dropped her boot. 



  1. Gosh how I understand that feeling. Writing feels the same way too. So many for me to write, so little time to do so. :) If you ever get a chance to read, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Good or bad.

  2. You have no idea how true this is about writing. Lately I developed an Microsoft Access app just for quickly dumping story ideas that are easily searchable. And I've also been toying with the CleverToDo app and their Someday option for dumping story ideas for later. Oy, veh...

  3. You sound like me. Only I try to mix tech with old-fashioned. I have a bunch of notebooks filled with ideas all over, even just quotes that pop into my head for characters to say. Then I have my digital file in Word that I try to dump bits into as well. Of course I lose them all over the place and my brain certainly isn't helpful when it forgets. I think writers are the most organized and disorganized people on the planet.

  4. Officially have a copy of book one and loaded it to my Google Books library for reading on my Nexus 7. Huzzah!


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