Rules to my page that you NEED to heed if you wish to be here, or stay here.
There is a 3-strike rule, you just don't know about it. I allow anyone on my page as I don't really care too much who's here and who's not. What I do care about is who I keep. Not everyone will stay here. I have a 3-strike policy. You have 3 chances to not screw up before you've struck and out and you're gone. I won't bother with explaining because I've probably already explained at least 3 times, even if casually and if you haven't bothered to use the brain in your head and figure that out? Not my problem. I don't yell, I don't scream, I act with dignity and grace--mostly. I am a lady, NOT an unmannered-child. If you want to disregard my rules, or think that me being polite means that I'm weak enough to allow you to stick around for not obeying something I say, then you're done.
I am not your mother and have no reason to micromanage you. I give chances, but I will not tolerate someone not listening to me. My patience is zilch for stupidity. If your mother raised you with no respect and lack of manners that's fine, but I'm not your mother. You act like an adult on my page, or you're not welcome. My page is a safe place. People are allowed to speak as they wish, as long as they remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinins and do not personally attack someone. Debate, question, engage, discuss, and argue points, but you will give each other respect and remember there is another human being behind that computer screen. I don't take sides. I may try to make peace and get each side to understand the other, but I will not take sides and if seems I am doing so? Remember, I'd the same if roles were reversed.
When I finally butt in to say STOP, you'd better listen. Even if it's casually. It's a pretty simple rule. I tell you to back down from whatever the argument has started over, then it means get back to the status, or a different line of thought, or quit responding period if you can't do as such. You are grown adults and you will do as you wish, but remember: my page, my rules. Take it to PM if you really wish to get in a verbal argument, but rememeber again, I have an open page, and ALL are welcome. I don't care what color you are, how you speak, what gender you are, what you like, or if you're the worst of the worst, or best of the best. You will listen to me, or you will be gone. Don't ever mistake that because I am so incredibly sweet and kind, that I am a naive child. My lack of patience for grown adults not listening to a basic word like stop is zilchos. Don't ever mess with me. I am kind and will have your back against every beast out there even if they're five times my size until that moment you don't deserve it, then I will step aside and they can have at you.
I post things on purpose to incite a debate because as adults, it is a good thing to question and debate, to open your minds and learn new things. That is the whole purpose of always learning and growing as humans. When I do that, I will let anyone voice any opinion they wish and I will not take sides, but I will try to maintain peace and I ask that you do the same. Again, all are welcome on this page. I don't care the beliefs you hold, or anything else. But you will remember that "I" accept all as is. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter who you are, what you believe, or anything else, I accept you as is.
If you're not comfortable with me accepting anyone and everyone on this page, and can't at least get along like civil adults with someone you may not associate with outside in the real world, then leave. I won't force anyone to stay on my page, nor be friends with me, that don't want to be here. There are no chains on your legs. If you don't like it here, or how I run my life, or things I do: LEAVE. I leave that door wide open and I can promise you, your name won't be trashed, your secrets you've told will be held, and I won't beg you to come back because frankly, I don't give a damn. I don't limit myself in real life, and I won't limit myself here.
Above all else please try to remember: I don't care how you live your life, as long as you remember that underneath this sweet attitude? Is a strong woman who will NOT take anyone's crap. I don't need anyone in my life (no matter how long we've known each other, or how well you think you know me) that doesn't deserve to be there and I'm the one who decides that.
Think I'm full of myself? I am.
And by the way, I don't care if that's a problem for you.
You know where the door is.
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