This I promise thee...
I promise to try to read and comment far more blogs than I am now...
I promise I will try to blog at least every day... to every 3 days... (trying to pursue writing career and that takes top priority)
I promise to try and update everyone on my writing progress other than just my FB page (see links at side to like!)...
I will try not to eat as much chocolate--wait... we'll keep this realistic hmm?
I promise to try and be more ladylike and not just "one of the boys"
I will try [I promise and all that hoobiejoobie] and be even more inspirational! And unpredictable! And [says in spooky voice] mysterious. Woo-ha-ha-haaaa. Oh and maybe throw in more of my goofy weird girl side? K good. As long as we're clear on that.
Ahhhh... and now a very sunny warm and gorgeousness day has come to an end. I mean helllooooo look at that sunset? Washington's secret y'all!
Oh! And by the way, I am using blogaway for the Android on my Epic 4G so I wont know how this looks until tomorrow!
'Til next time! Mwah, Mwah, Mwah!!
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