This isn't a real recipe, but I can give it out if people would like to steal it copy and try to make it for themselves. It's a really great recipe. (I shall upload it to my other blog, where I post my cooking recipes here)
When you have the items on hand.
Not mine, but best that matches mine that I could find on Photobucket from user - erinandpayton2 |
Recipe follows...
Ingredients: Dedication to making one cheesecake.
Step 1. Figure out you need FOUR boxes of cream cheese. Hunt around in fridge and only find two. Proceed to tear apart freezer, going through many frozen pizza slices and discover one box in door, then hunt around even longer to find one more box. Check.
Step 2. Go to cabinet to find graham cracker crust to determine have no graham cracker crust. Figure then to just make gingersnaps to use as gingersnap crust. Check.
Step 3. Proceed to make gingersnap cookies only to discover you do not have brown sugar as is needed to make said cookies. Hunt around entire cabinet in dining room, kitchen, even as far as possibly thinking would be placed on shelves with can foods or fridge. Discover missing brown sugar where previously was two bags of brown sugar. Proceed to say okay, will make own substitute. Check.
Step 4. Proceed to make own brown sugar substitute only to discover one does not have molasses to make said brown sugar substitute so one must use maple syrup. No, not genuine maple syrup as one does not have that either. One must use Mrs. Butterworth butter flavored pancake syrup to substitute for molasses to make substitute brown sugar. Check.
Step 5. Proceed on with process of making gingersnap cookies only to discover one is now missing ground cloves, but has whole cloves. One does not have clove grinder so one makes one out of piece of wood (1x1 brother brought home from construction site, which is a foot long and said "thought you could find use for this" oh how he would be proud of ones use for now "clove grinder" wood.) and plastic bag and smash the living crap out of cloves which are now taking brunt of frustration for everything deciding to go missing on this one day so that they will be "ground" cloves!! Ahem... Check.
Step 6. Proceed to finally have what one calls gingersnap cookie recipe, tasting rather better raw then one wishing to cook it. Despite the "extra" butteriness from Mrs. Butterworth pancake syrup. So some might not have made to cookie sheets to bake. One proceeds to simply slap lumps of batter onto cookie sheets as at this point it has taken over an hour just to even gather ingredients and one is using them to make crust anyway so one does NOT care that they are not beautiful. Check.
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