Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website - http://ift.tt/1UfIphI
This week's GBE is about "Lost and Found." I know a lot of people some years back thought that I'd lost myself. I was even told it was the better part of myself. It took me years to figure out that it wasn't true. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I always believed it to be true. Until I finally had the courage to admit to myself, that they were in the wrong; not me. That's the problem with some "friends." They aren't really your friends. Someone recently told me something that really hit home. It was profound even. She said: "The friend is not a friend. just a person with emotional gravity in your life." Well that's true. Granted, the comment she had made was from a completely different happening, but still it works. A lot of people are fortunate in having tons of close friends, even close friends that stick around their entire lifetime. I gave up on that notion a long time ago. I realized that mostly, friends w...
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