It's that time again. Let's see which books are the furthest behind. We have DARK ILLUSIONS: THE FINAL CHAPTER and BOOK FIVE OF THE SORCERESS SERIES. So today will be DI since it's the absolute furthest behind at 27,253 words total. And then tomorrow the Sorceress book since it's at 33,098 words total.
Join along and chat with me off and on when I take breaks, all weekend long. Tag #wwab. I will not be on the social sites you see this post to. So if you want to chat, chat with me here.
Saturday Updates:
- Starting at 27, 253 words total
- 240 so far. Not much, but I'm trying to get a lot of cleaning done today. It is more than I had when I started. :) Exhaustion is wearing on me. Lunch time!
- Next break to go start the pizza dough: 1306 words so far.
- Ending the night at 1622 words total. Had to deal with other things today. I might continue working on this tomorrow. Instead of Sorceress book. Not sure yet.
Sunday Updates:
- Definitely going to continue working on DI for today. Lot of things are piling up outside of writing. Making my focus go buzurkies so I'm hoping I can even get into my 7k as normal for just this one. May not. Brain is not functioning. Focus is on those things. So I am at (not starting because I didn't update it a bit ago) 29, 597 total to start. If I go past my normal 7K mark, I will be quite pleased.
- 2163 words total and break.
- 3195 total and now break time. Eyes are bugging me and I'm tired. I think it's gremlin play time.
- Ended up stopping at 32, 256 in the story. Mind was just not into the writing with everything going on. Hopefully next week I'll get some better numbers, but that's more than I had so I'm happy.
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