Going to make this a page on my site, versus just random links all over the place.
I was accepted into the program Operation eBook Drop the other day and I wanted to share with you all, the information. I think it's a wonderful program and one which many people will get satisfaction out of joining.
The premise behind the program is to get ebooks (free ones) to members serving in the military so that they can have something to read in their downtime. If you're an author and you're willing to offer your ebooks for free to troops serving, then I definitely encourage you to join this program!
Here is the information you will need on how to, including the links where you can find this group/program online:
Excerpt off the site:
How to Participate
Authors and Publishers - If you're a Smashwords author or publisher, email Ed and tell him if you'd like to offer free ebooks to participating troops. His email is ed#w#pat# @ #att#. #net (remove the #s and spaces). To create a 100%-off coupon, log in to your Smashwords account and click on the Coupon Manager link. Ed will email you book requests, and then you simply email the soldier a hyperlink to your book page, and the corresponding coupon code. From your Dashboard, coupon redemptions will show up in your Sales & Payment History Report, and you'll also receive instant email notification. If you're not yet a publisher with Smashwords (why not?), you can learn how publish with us by visiting ourHow to Publish with Smashwords page.
Deployed troops - All coalition military personnel deployed overseas who need multi-format ebooks are eligible. According to Ed, "If you're overseas and away from your home and loved ones, your dependence on reading might increase - and so we a gifting you ebooks for Kindle, Sony, iPhone, Blackberry etc." For free ebooks, please email Ed at the address above. Please note that the ebooks you receive may be shared with fellow deployed service members, but may not be distributed or shared elsewhere. Please also consider the coupon codes you receive as privileged information, not to be shared elsewhere. The participating authors are pleased to offer you their books.
Here is the site I got this information from, which I would encourage you to check out: Smashwords Supports Operation Ebook Drop
The Facebook page: Operation Ebook Drop - Facebook
And the main site: Operation Ebook Drop
Here is the post in the KindleBoards forum which includes ALL the participating authors:
1,327 Authors Gift over 3 Million Coupons to our Troops - Operation eBook Drop
And the Amazon Discussion Board:
Meet the Authors of Operation eBook Drop
If you know of anyone serving in the military that isn't a part of this program
- I would encourage you to let them know about it
- I would be more than happy to send them a coupon for a free download of my eBooks I have up.
Any of my books, at any time. You can contact me through email if you wish (or they can) at:
Subject line : [book name] free download requestThe current list of books I have up and can be downloaded are:
(I will try to keep this list updated as I list books)
Tell all your friends about this wonderful program!
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