I finished Witness to the Moon this week. [dances and celebrates] That means that tomorrow I can start on my Anora – Druid Story.
I definitely didn’t expect to end the story at such a low number, but as I’ve stated before, in my edits I can tend to put a lot into the story with details. Sometimes to the point where I started at 70K and ended at nearing 100K. That’s how vague I am in the writing stage. The funniest thing. I think I read that Holly Lisle does the same thing. I’ll take that as a good thing.
I’ve been putting in a lot of words for each of my writing sessions I noticed. Except for the day where I got little sleep, I’ve been nearing 2K which is normal for me. I like that. Means that I’m getting good sleep on those days, the story is flowing, and I’m making good headway on the novel.
Random sidebar: I am currently listening to a Chihuahua telling the world that it is outside. It used to be a Rat Terrier mix that lived next door and we’d hear nearly all day long, and now that the new neighbors are moved in, we’ve exchanged that with a pair of Chihuahuas. One of which tells the entire neighborhood each time it comes outside and then it’ll bark for a good 10-20 minutes sometimes. One of those little yappy voices. Today is nearing seventy degrees out so I have the window open and I can hear him jusssst fine, lol.
As I finished the end of this story, I was getting a lot of bits for the beginning of the third in the series. I was also getting a lot of scene information last night for the starting point. I’m near one hundred percent sure at this point that Mila will be kidnapped. After what happened at the end of the novel and that Alex is pretty out of it, but the men who’ve been bothering Mila are still there. It leaves it wide open. They want her for a reason.
It leaves everything wide open for her to be kidnapped. So the question now is . . . why? What do they want from her, what is going to take place now?
I’m super curious and if I wasn’t challenging myself to stick to one story this round, I would completely throw it into the mix and start the number 3. I need that break from it though since I worked on Don’t Go Far just recently. That way my characters live their lives and my brain purges itself of ideas. Then the bits can percolate and I can begin the next. I’ll be working on the 2nd in the Dynasty of Moirae series shortly too. That follows Blood By Night which releases in just two more days!
Word count I started the day with: 71,874
Worked from 10:30-11:45am. Ended the novel at: 73,750
Total for the day: 1876 words
Current Book I’m Reading –
A Dance with Dragons – George R.R. Martin
Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website - http://ift.tt/232NUWo
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