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What I Did On My Summer Vacation

“Make your life spectacular. I know I did."
                                         – Robin Williams, from the movie “Jack”

When I was a kid, I was never a big fan of going back to school (I doubt most kids are). I always relished the freedom that my summer vacation gave to me to play all day, watch TV whenever I wanted, and not have a care in the world. I always dreaded getting back to the old grindstone of studying and doing homework. It sure cut into my valuable time of playing under my blanket forts and watching The Brady Bunch, I tell ya!

But there was one assignment that we were always given on the first day of school that I actually enjoyed. It was to write a composition about what we did on our summer vacations. Oh, how I wished ALL of our assignments were that easy! First off, I ALWAYS enjoyed ANY opportunity to write in school. But this particular annual assignment was always one of my favorites because for me, it was SO EASY to do! And the reason for that was simple. Because in my mind, no matter how simple my little daily routine and activities actually were, to me, they all seemed grand and exciting! I sure made those days of reading comic books and pretending I was Wonder Woman, and having bologna sandwiches for lunch and sloppy joes for dinner, sound as amazing as a cruise around the world (complete with a ten course gourmet meal every evening) might sound to some.  And that’s because to me….it was!

While having an extremely active and vivid imagination came in quite handy as a kid to leave me with amazing summer memories to look back on……it doesn’t work so well as an adult. When you dress up as Wonder Woman now and run around trying to tie people up with your golden lasso, you might get arrested, people might think you got lost on your way to Comic Con, or …depending on who you try and tie up….. you might make some new very VERY open minded friends!

(“Hey there….your invisible jet….or mine?”  *Wink wink*)

But regardless of whether it’s summertime or ANY TIME, each of us have the ability to make some fun and everlasting memories to look back upon every day.  It’s something we can….and should….do! And it doesn’t take much. If you just take time to look around yourself everyday as you go through your daily routine, I guarantee you can find even the simplest of things to make yourself smile…..if you only just take the time to notice them! Whether it’s passing by your neighbor’s flower garden on your way to work or eating your favorite candy bar as a treat after lunch (…..or even before lunch. Don’t worry….I wont tell!) or even just watching the sunset with someone you love. Sometimes it’s the smallest and simplest of pleasures in life, that cost nothing or close to nothing, that can mean the most.

Always remember to make the best with the time we have….. because its the only time we've got.

While I might not have been running around in my Wonder Woman costume this summer (I swear that wasn’t me….. I don’t care what you think you saw!) I definitely took the time to make some lasting  and fun memories of my summer. I hope all of you did, too. Here is my video of some of the most memorable moments of “What I did on my summer vacation.”

Until next time! Ta ta and toodles!

~Tracie Dee~


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