Time to get writing, I'd say. Getting late in the morning. The two behind this time are: Hope for the Future (total at 46,444) and Sorceress Book Five (word count at 48,266).
Saturday Updates:
- Starting out at 46,444 for this book.
- 627 words so far. A wee bit distracted today.
- 1423 words total for the day. Yay! Not really, but life gets in the way sometimes. I'm happy that I got as much done as I did. I may just work on this one tomorrow too. Still need to percolate the Sorceress book in my head.
Sunday Updates:
- Decided I would just work on Hope of the Future again today. So far, 1193 words this morning.
- 2371 words so far. Coffay break.
- 5936 words now.
- 6492 words and wondering how long this book is going to end up because I'm still working off the MS I had before, but will switch back to the old one soon. Then, I have a lot of ideas to go off them both. Either this will go past the 100K mark, highly doubtful, but possible, or if it does, go higher. Break it up? Or no? Decisions, decisions. I'll just leave it up to the characters.
- Tonight we will end because I am exhausted, at 6581 words total. The book is at 54,483 words.
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