I took the above image a few days ago. Needless to say, my little poofy face still hasn't begun to feel too much better. He's still sitting and being poofy. Although he has been feeling a bit better with the heater on him every day. Right now he's eating with Zeva, and in the mornings he flies around a bit. I'd really hoped that he would be better by now, but him and Zeva are getting older so I understand that it will just take him a bit more time. I know he's sick, but he is just too darn adorable when he is puffy like above. Also because he becomes mister adorable face and lovey boy. Awww. Over the weekend I was able to finish my dark hair coloring. I know I said I would do stripes of color, but then I stared at my old pictures, and I decided for now, since the blonde wreaked havoc on my hair (as well as switching to Wen for a while as it dried my hair out big time) I would do the one color. I do still have a few streaks of the blonde, mainly in front becaus...
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