Fight back against Facebook hiding YOUR favorite pages.
Do you know the most powerful tool any page owner has? What any site, author, business has in life? YOU and that big ol' mouth of yours.
Facebook loves to try to make page owners and alike PAY to allow you to see what you love most. So we're supposed to pay for your attention? How to fight against it? Use that big mouth you were born with and talk as you love to do. Facebook and their algorithms have nothing on you. YOU are the single most powerful tool anyone on this planet has. Yes, your one little self who you figure isn't so important? You are!
How can you do it? When your favorite (or one of) page posts something; use that "like" button, comment on things they post, post to their walls, and talk about the page to your friends. Share their items. All the analytics and algorithms in the world have absolutely nothing to do with you and can't stop you.
Add the pages you love most and want to SEE most, in an interest list which you can build by clicking on the page, hovering over the like box with your mouse, and then click on "add to interests list." Or, click on the gear icon to find it.
If you're a page owner, you can "add it to your pages favorites."
Hover over that "like" box and make sure it's checked to show in your news feed every day.
Visit the page every day, or as often as you can.
Remember, Facebook and all websites have nothing when it comes to WORD OF MOUTH which is the single most powerful tool. In other words, YOU. Without you, no company would survive.
Keep interacting as much as you can with them, even OFF Facebook. Do it for your favorite websites, authors, and anyone else. We all get busy (ie lazy ass) and just don't bother to open up and talk or click those likes and comment button, but that is what society and people are about. Socialization. Remember that these are people taking time every day trying to earn your attention and when people don't participate they figure their page/site/business is lacking, but it's up to you to say I AM HERE. KEEP IT UP. Show them love as they show you every time they place a product out for you.
Even if that product is them.
ETA: Interesting post about this and yes, I've noticed it on mine too. Fun is to look at your Facebook feed through a viewer like Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, or in my case, Plume for Android. It's a Twitter app. You SEE all those posts and it is astounding.
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