Is it possible that we can love more than one person at a time? Some people believe that you can only love one person at a time. That loving two or more at once, simply isn't possible. I don't believe that. I believe that we can love more than one person at a time. It doesn't even have to be about being with that person. We certainly love our children, pets, and family/friends all at once. In different ways, and in different methods, but we love them. How is that so different? You're not asking them to be with you, or trying to deny the love exists, but it is possible to love more than one person at one time. To deny that is to deny yourself. To fight it, is to fight yourself. Is it really selfish to love more than one person at a time? No, of course not. To love is to be selfless. You're not asking for something in return from them. You're not asking them to give anything up. You're simply giving them something precious about you. Your love. ...
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