This week it’s all about Kennedy #2 . I know the series name will be The Sylphline Realm , but I don’t have a specific title. I was thinking of doing a play on the situations, but I’m piddling. I really do need covers and names now that I keep track of word count so I’ll work on them. Currently doing one story one week, then shifting to another the next week, and back. Word count I started the day with: 68,896. Worked for 20 minutes or so. Ended the day at: 69,817. Goal for this book is around 90K. Total for the day: 921 words On my mind Would’ve had more words today, but I’m at this point in the novel where I know where I want the next phase to go, but I haven’t built the bridge to get there. It’s like I have the front part finished and I see the end part, but that middle is going . . . hmm. So I went back and read through a bunch of chapters and decided to try and insert a scene/chapter of some basic things that may pave the way for using the...
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