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Showing posts from 2015

Goodbye 2015

Almost wrote 2016. So I’m going into 2017 while the world is at 2016. I have leapt forward a whole year in one day. Sheesh. In other news, the Dvorak keyboard speed has gone up a bit. My fingers are getting better at knowing where to go. That’s a good thing. On my phablet key board I type much faster. I’d imagine it has to do with seeing all the keys there in my face. I have about 75 or so pages left on  Blood By Night  before I switch up my edits. That last round before I send it to Creech Enterprises . In that last round, I go through a specific list of edits. I’m pleased as punch about it. Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Blood by Night update

Think I’m going to go ahead and spill some of the secrets about what’s extra special regarding  Blood By Night in the next few days. Edits are going well. I’m about halfway through the major overhauling. Faster than I thought it’d go, but then in some parts slower. What’s going so slow is that I’m working in more details in some chapters. Other areas need ironing out. While still others need scenes rearranged. All in all good progress though. If you look at my  in edits  widget on the homepage, you’ll notice I [generously] guesstimated the time this one would take to be much, much longer. So I’m happy about the progress I’m making. Dvorak progress:  same. Teeny bit faster than yesterday. Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Blood By Night

Think I’m going to go ahead and spill some of the secrets about what’s extra special regarding  Blood By Night in the next few days. Edits are going well. I’m about halfway through the major overhauling. Faster than I thought it’d go, but then in some parts slower. What’s going so slow is that I’m working in more details in some chapters. Other areas need ironing out. While still others need scenes rearranged. All in all good progress though. If you look at my  in edits  widget on the homepage, you’ll notice I [generously] guesstimated the time this one would take to be much, much longer. So I’m happy about the progress I’m making. Dvorak progress:  same. Teeny bit faster than yesterday. Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Dvorak fun

Dvorak keyboard learning fun Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Pages are up for The Guardian of Life Series – SciFi

I forgot to mention when I made the last page, but I finished the pages for Daughter of the Red Planet, as well as Ancient Scars. These are the two books in my The Guardian of Life series. Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Could use your help

Could use your help. Tell me which of these covers grabs your attention and you'd be likely to grab the book. If you're already a fan of the series, just tell me which you think fits most. Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Playing with shorts – not what that sounds like

I’ve been reading the posts Dean Wesley Smith did for his July challenge. The challenge was to write one short story a day for the entire month. {Not doing the challenge, just wanted to try playing with more shorts.} I also played with his title generator to come up with one for me to work with. I had “Pirates” in my head (no idea why). So I wrote it down at the top of my page like he does. Then “cove creek” came to mind so I came up with, Pirates of Cove Creek. No clue about anything, I started writing. I thought I would share what the beginning starts with. I really liked it. I think it’s deceiving us. Getting us all comfy and then blamo. Since I have no idea what it is about,  I don’t know where it will go any more than you. The waves lapped gently against the wooden hull. It made a gentle swish swish sound. Similar to leaves swaying in the wind brushing against one another swish swish, … Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

How do you say goodbye to your best friend?

How do you say goodbye, period? It has taken me a while to talk about this because every time I think about it,  my heart shatters all over again. I will cry before the end of this paragraph,  I can promise. I thought I was prepared.  I thought I could handle it,  but . . . it isn’t something you can prepare for. It isn’t something you will know how to handle until that’s all you can do: handle it. I lost my best friend on December 1st, 2015. She was, and forever will be, my princess. My heart has shattered into a million pieces and this one . . . this will be a heartbreak that takes me a long time to get over. I wrote a few months ago about how we handle it, our pets aging. I don’t know. I honestly, don’t know. I have one more who is getting there and has developed similar lumps that Sabrina had, which worry me. Sabrina’s kidneys were failing and she had a growth on … Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

The art of getting along

I don’t know who this originally came from. It’s quoted as Anonymous. Loved it so much, I thought I’d share. If you know who wrote it, let me know and I’ll credit them. The Art of Getting Along Sooner or later a man, if he is wise,  discovers that life is a mixture of good days and bad, victory and defeat, give and take. He learns that it doesn’t pay to be a sensitive soul — that he should let some things go over his head like water off a duck’s back. He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses. He learns that all men have burnt toast for breakfast now and then, and that he shouldn’t take the other fellow’s grouch too seriously. He learns that carrying a chip on his shoulder is the easiest way to get into a fight. He learns that the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry tales and gossip about others. He learns that most people are human and that it doesn’t do any harm … Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Archive Site

This site is only for the archives of Kim Iverson (main site -  I am going to try and clean it up, but keep it public so I can link to posts, and you can peruse my old work. There won't be major cleaning done, so keep that in mind. Also note that many posts on here were from when I used the pen name, A.H. Browne, and Ariana Browning. They are still my own.