Find us on Twitter @ArianasCafe I am @arianahbrowning What is Ariana's Cafe? Simply put: a place for the creative thinker. How do I use the prompt? However you like. Use it as inspiration for a discussion, use it to challenge yourself to blog on the prompt as a subject. Use it to help you with a scene that you're struggling with. Use it as inspiration for a piece of artwork. Bottom line: use your creative mind to come up with something amazing from this prompt. Are there any rules? No captcha. If you want to have comment approval, leave a note near the comments area. Too many people have been losing comments, and if their comment disappears, they should know that it didn't go into never land. No private blogs. If you share, make sure your blog is public. (You can always use my forum to blog publicly for a post, then share that link here.) No Grammar Police. A lot of the people who join in are not professional writers. They e...
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