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Showing posts from April, 2016


Cage is an interesting character for me. Most characters are larger than life. They can be difficult, yet they chatter. Cage . . . he is different. He is as quiet to me, as he is in the Dark Illusions  series. It’s his nature to watch, study, listen. He’s just one of those characters. I am interested to note if he makes an entrance again. Will we hear from him later? Will I? Cage is part of the Elukkar clan. The Elukkar vampires maintain most of the traits of the wolf they can shift into. They are fierce, they are beasts, they are used as bodyguards because of it. They are not a vampire you want to anger. Once looked down upon by the Raaka for their behavior (why would they disgrace their kind by acting like such animals?), the Raaka still harbor those feelings, but have since learned to quell them. The Elukkar’s leader Cage works as bodyguard at times for the Runsasi, which lends them respect. More than that, Cage is like a son to Julian after he took him in. You do not dare ha...

Uploading images being a pain

Even 1000 words today. Too funny. Was having a hard time getting a featured image on this post. My uploads have been wonky and I get the fun http error. I think I fixed the issue again. Hopefully. Came up in the Winter too and I thought I’d fixed it, but since the new WP update, there have been issues right and left with stuff. Anyhoo, I was reading through Hope of the Future today and I came across this excerpt. I swear, I wrote this thing, it took me forever to edit it, and I stilllllllll tear up at this passage. Ronin stared at Hope for the longest time. “You weren’t. After you told me your story, I realized it. Your pain blinded you, but you weren’t alone like you thought. You never were. She came when you needed someone. Cayla was with you. She’s always been there, trying to help you see the truth.” Gosh, I need to learn to read that and not tear up! Only I really don’t. It’s a touching scene. :) Oh see, I read it again and there I go, haha.     Word count I ...

May have to start Sorceress series

Cycled back into the story, then forward (means I read the previous chapter before I started to write). Felt like I had more words but what I got is fine. I didn’t work past 11AM like I sometimes do. For the past week, my Sorceress story has been niggling at my mind. I may have to start that one. It’s been written for a while, but technically has needed a rewrite and major editing done. I’ll have to look at it and decide. Last night I went to bed late, and in severe pain thanks to fleas. Gave 3 of the dogs baths and blow dried. Each went through two baths. We have rats migrating through our yard (I may have mentioned it before) and they are bringing the fleas in. They are these disgusting terminator types. Get fairly big and are hard to kill and eliminate. I’ve gone freaking 4 years without one single flea and wasn’t using drops. Now I have to find the one that works best. Frontline is what I’ll go back to if this new one isn’t working out. It’s called Advecta . It’s supposed to have...

Very pleased with those numbers

  Good chunk today. I was concerned I wouldn’t get as many words today because once again, I had problems starting up Libre Office (program I’ve been using lately). I had to work in the old Word. I’m thinking with all the benefits of the Microsoft Office Personal edition, I will just try that out for a while. I could buy a version of it, or just get the monthly (lowest) plan and see how well that works out. Which is what I think I’ll do. Microsoft did something I don’t agree with in that they gave expanded storage for free, and now they are cutting it back. Personally I think it’s crappy. They gave the chance to earn that storage, I began using what I earned, and now they are sending out messages saying that they’ll be cutting it back? Okay Microsoft. My mom does that sort of thing. Here’s a gift, now I’ll take it back. Not right. Were you one of the people tuning in last night for the new season of GoT? (Game of Thrones.) I didn’t! haha I read the book instead. I usually wait ...
Just shy of my 500 words for the day that I prefer to write. Brain is thinking I need a variety. I like to be able to switch back and forth. If I don’t do that, I get sluggish as heck in my writing. Starting to notice that with this and I am frustrated with myself. Above is from yesterday. I ended up  concentrating on the editing of  Daughter of the Red Planet  and didn’t get back to the post until it was time to quit working on the computer for the day. So yesterday I wrote from 17,407 – 17,811 and it was only 404 words (really goes to show what not having a clear head can do to a person.) Below will be the numbers from today. I no likie that number. A lot of stuff is being dumped all around here, so I’m going to end this here, let you focus on the post Tracie Dee just posted –  about Prince, and just go edit.   Word count I started the day with: 18,851 Word count I ended the day with:  20,347 Total for the d...

The most unique book writing group you’ll find online

Are you serious about improving your writing? Do you want to become a better storyteller? Are you serious about making a living with your writing? Join my new [and quite different] writing group on Facebook! Add me here:  then send me a message and let me know you’d like to join. Below is the description that I made. Please read it thoroughly to decide if it’s right for you. Editors and Writers are welcome. The rules are enforced to keep this a working and stable environment. Read below to participate. You’re welcome to invite friends. Be sure they know these rules to see if this group is a fit for them. What this group IS: A private place to exchange ideas or bounce ideas off other people who can offer their thoughts to help you with your own. Sometimes we just need someone to talk with to spark our brain. A place where we can post nothing more than our word count for the day and have other writers encourage us. (This isn’t an obligation – if you ...

Nothing much. Read the post before this one.

Just shy of my 500 words for the day that I prefer to write. Brain is thinking I need a variety. I like to be able to switch back and forth. If I don’t do that, I get sluggish as heck in my writing. Starting to notice that with this and I am frustrated with myself. Above is from yesterday. I ended up  concentrating on the editing of  Daughter of the Red Planet  and didn’t get back to the post until it was time to quit working on the computer for the day. So yesterday I wrote from 17,407 – 17,811 and it was only 404 words (really goes to show what not having a clear head can do to a person.) Below will be the numbers from today. I no likie that number. A lot of stuff is being dumped all around here, so I’m going to end this here, let you focus on the post Tracie Dee just posted –  about Prince, and just go edit.   Word count I started the day with: 17,811 Word count I ended the day with:  18,851 Total for the ...

Prince: Nothing Compares to You

“How can you just leave me standing, alone in a world that’s so cold.” -Prince “When Doves Cry” There are some celebrity deaths we never forget. We always remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the sad news of their passing. Elvis Presley…Marilyn Monroe…Freddie Mercury…Princess Diana…Michael Jackson…Whitney Houston….and now… Prince. My memories of Prince and his music start in the summer of 1984 when I was 11 years old. That summer you could find me either off somewhere reading comic books, watching the various Friday night music video shows I would tape every week (I may have wanted my MTV but without cable…I had to settle for my ABC, CBS, and NBC) or with my ear glued to my radio listening to 100.3 FM, Z-100, working hard on making my mixed tapes. Ah….good times! Happy memories of a kid growing up in the 80’s! A HUGE part of that music filled pre-teen summer of mine was the soundtrack to the movie, “Purple Rain”. EVERY song from that album was AWESOME!!! I...

We arent victims of time. We are creators of time.

  I’m amused when my editor  tells me she reads these posts sometimes. haha Mostly because I don’t think anyone does, or I don’t think about anyone doing it. I write for myself so I forget these blogs are public! I’m just this awesome, I’m aware. Not really much went on story-wise today so not too much to mention. I did however, think about something while I was outside gardening that I wanted to talk about. A common theme among all of us is the idea that we don’t have enough time. We aren’t victims of time. We are creators of time. Once upon a time we were animals who went by day and night. Until we made a label for it, it was light and dark. We have had the same twenty-four hours in a day since the time we created a label for it. Do yourself a favor and stop telling yourself you don’t have time for something. Law of Attraction and all means that you will never have time for anything with that thought process. Change your thoughts, change your life. No shit, it ...

And she exposes a bit about herself!

Gonna start using the featured images to share what I feel like a scene looks like from that day. I’ve been trying to attempt writing at the desk again. See if my back can handle it, my wrists, and my chest. I’ve found the muscle in my chest getting stronger from working in the garden so I can hunch over for longer periods without feeling like someone is stabbing me the rest of the day. I’m also sitting in the chair differently than I was. More of a lean back position, or straight back (easier said than done when sitting for long periods). I see my sales picking up so when they finally get steady (dog food and such always comes first), I can get a proper chair. I use a straight back chair from the kitchen table set that my dad found for my mom. Really pretty designs, but not designed for sitting long periods. Gotta remember that my body is getting older and no longer wants to recover (muscle-wise that is) as easy. My skin is the incredible one. I scraped some skin off my knee on ...

Something’s gooonnna happen

  Good word count today. I’m happy that I boosted myself back up. Last week wasn’t as fun in how many words I got. One of the drawbacks of writing about the word count every day, I end up letting my own mind get sucked into that realm of  I have to hit a certain number so I can keep up the word count publicly.  Rather a stupid thing in the mind if you think about it. But it’s something that will worm its way in there and suddenly you’re all . . . oh great. Either way, back up there, and that makes me happy. We’re gonna see some action this week in the story. I think Anora is about to find out what she is capable of. It’s been really nice today ( 80’s) so I’ve been getting some much needed yard work done (weeding), which is another one of those projects that just . . . not sure. Makes my mind settle down, and things work out better when I think about them. Over the weekend, I took some time to play with some of the notes Jeanie gave me about  Daughter of the ...

Nothing much

    Too much on my mind today, so just a word count.   Word count I started the day with: 13,491 Word count I ended the day with:  14,055 Total for the day: 564 words   Current Book I’m Reading – A Dance with Dragons – George R.R. Martin   Originally posted on Kim Iverson's Website -

Edits are in

  I got the notes back on Daughter of the Red Planet . I haven’t opened the file so I don’t know how much is marked up, but Jeanie gave me a great idea. Gonna give me some good work to do.         When she told me she liked the book, this is how I react – I haven’t mentioned it recently, but if you’re looking for a great editor you should check her out – . Be warned that if you want the type of edits I get, you really need to tell her straight out that you want the blunt approach and you want everything she wants to mention. To me, there is no way to get a better edit than to have her go over the story elements in the near beginning and then have her point out everything she wants to. This is one of those things that only time and learning can help you with. I want Jeanie to mark up and be HARSH with my manuscript. That doesn’t mean that she is mean. It means that she scours it over and over again to find every plot hole, every we...

Curse computers sometimes

  Sometimes the computer makes me lose my mind, haha. I swear, it seems like the issues are only in the morning. I know that if the neighbors are on the internet, it’ll slow us down, which of course is like, gah! I’m still over 500 words so I’m good. haha Couldn’t get a handle on starting today and I realized it was because I was trying to start in Anora’s POV. Storm wanted to take center stage so he’s coming out now. Gonna get to see what he thinks of Anora now. Jeanie is sending me the edits back on  Daughter of the Red Planet today .  She has a bunch of things that came up so she’s dealing with them. Tomorrow I should crack into the edits. I had an idea for the series that I mentioned and I think she’s seeing the connections to another book I have for sale. I never considered connecting this series to that book but I went . . . wait. There are a lot of similarities here. So it may happen. And no I’m not telling you what it is silly goose. You’ll have to wait. ...

Kindred spirits

Interesting is when two people come together who inadvertently bring out the best, and maybe in some ways, worst in each other. Anora has to watch herself around Storm because of how smart he is. There is a challenge between these two. I think their previous moments together made them both realize that there is something there. Maybe not an in-love sort of thing, but there is some sort of connection between these two characters. I thought that Anora was going to be a bit soft, but she’s showing strength that I hadn’t seen coming. How will she develop from here? Couldn’t get the computer cooperating for a while this morning – the program froze again – so I had to restart and lost some time, which also meant words. :/ At least I got some, so that’s a good thing.     Word count I started the day with: 11,216 Word count I ended the day with: 11,940 Total for the day: 724 words   Current Book I’m Reading – A Dance with Dragons – George R.R. Martin   O...

Now why would he stop?

Storm was a bit surprising today.  He is coming across as a very vulgar man who wants nothing more than to force himself on women and for them to satisfy  his  needs. Well, today he did something with miss Anora that was surprising to me. He’s showing that he has some interesting depths that I might have overlooked. This bad guy might actually have a bit more depth than I gave him credit for. My editor got back to me over the weekend and let me know that she may be done with  Daughter of the Red Planet  come Wednesday. I have to admit, I flounder when I don’t have anything to edit. Well, I technically have things to edit, but I’ve been trying to get a lot of back list things done. Didn’t get as many words as I wanted to today. For some reason the program kept freezing up. I have been trying to use Libre Office and I was writing then stopped and noticed that the words weren’t on the page. So I restarted the computer. Then the next time it was just the program s...

Now it’s getting interesting

Now it’s getting interesting.  I’m starting to think that there is a very interesting connection between what Anora hears at night and what she hears during the day. I think she’s about to tell us exactly what her nightmare is. Had a really nice hour of writing today. I started around my normal time – 10 AM so that helped immensely! I was able to get the page up for Cody’s story yesterday.  And I also updated the widget on the homepage so you can see the lineup for what’s next after I publish  Daughter of the Red Planet. If you didn’t catch that post, here is the way I’m publishing them. I’ll include Daughter of the Red Planet  for reference. Daughter of the Red Planet ( Guardian of Life  series – Book One – SciFi) Ancient Scars   ( Guardian of Life  series  –  Book Two – SciFi) Cessation ( The Alchemist  series – Book One – SciFi) Sylphline Realm – Crown of Ice ( Sylphline Realm  series – Book...