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Showing posts from August, 2014

Ariana's Cafe - Prompt 9 - August 27, 2014

Find us on Twitter @ArianasCafe I am @arianahbrowning What is Ariana's Cafe? Simply put: a place for the creative thinker. How do I use the prompt? However you like. Use it as inspiration for a discussion, use it to challenge yourself to blog on the prompt as a subject. Use it to help you with a scene that you're struggling with. Use it as inspiration for a piece of artwork. Bottom line: use your creative mind to come up with something amazing from this prompt. Are there any rules? No captcha. If you want to have comment approval, leave a note near the comments area. Too many people have been losing comments, and if their comment disappears, they should know that it didn't go into never land. No private blogs. If you share, make sure your blog is public. (You can always use my forum to blog publicly for a post, then share that link here.) No Grammar Police.  A lot of the people who join in are not professional writers. They e...

Marshmallow Creme Recipe & S'mores cake

For my birthday, I made my own cake. I wasn't going to, but then I saw an old double chocolate mix that we had and figured I would. I have been craving S'mores like nobody's bidness. So when I saw the chocolate cake mix I thought . . . well, why not make a S'mores cake! Mmm . . . right? Well, I didn't have marshmallow creme and I thought the only way to make homemade marsh creme was by using cream of tarter. That was the only recipe I continued to come across. Then I found the one I'm going to write below. I altered it (as usual) and added more powdered sugar because I wanted a thicker creme. I'm not sure if the recipe that uses cream of tarter will make a stiffer creme since I have never made that version. If you have, let me know. Either way, here is a picture of my cake, and then the recipe for the creme is below. You can see the yummy goodness that happens when it's hot in the kitchen. The way that I made my cake was with a Double Chocolat...

Ariana's Cafe - Prompt 8 - August 20, 2014

Find us on Twitter @ArianasCafe I am @arianahbrowning What is Ariana's Cafe? Simply put: a place for the creative thinker. How do I use the prompt? However you like. Use it as inspiration for a discussion, use it to challenge yourself to blog on the prompt as a subject. Use it to help you with a scene that you're struggling with. Use it as inspiration for a piece of artwork. Bottom line: use your creative mind to come up with something amazing from this prompt. Are there any rules? No captcha. If you want to have comment approval, leave a note near the comments area. Too many people have been losing comments, and if their comment disappears, they should know that it didn't go into never land. No private blogs. If you share, make sure your blog is public. (You can always use my forum to blog publicly for a post, then share that link here.) No Grammar Police.  A lot of the people who join in are not professional writers. They e...

The Fossil King

Today I post an extract from the first chapter of my new novel, THE FOSSIL KING, the follow-up to ANCESTOR.   *********** I’m not dead. Although the observation is clinical, made with the kind of emotional detachment I used to reserve for patients, it also betrays an element of surprise. This isn’t how things should have panned out. I paid my dues. Settled my Karmic debt. At long last my spiritual balance sheet was in harmony. All things being equal, it should have been the perfect time to cash in my last cheque. But I did not. Why? Was there some malevolent force that wanted to extend the rope of life, hoping to ensnare my soul this time? Or was it simply a conspiracy of chance; an apathetic universe too impotent to recognize a moment of poetic justice even when serendipity’s throbbing pelvis was thrust into its face? I force a mental shrug. Oh fuck it then. I never believed in that destiny crap anyway. Better to analyze more practical matters. Like how the hell I e...

Ariana's Cafe - Prompt 7 - August 13, 2014

Find us on Twitter @ArianasCafe I am @arianahbrowning What is Ariana's Cafe? Simply put: a place for the creative thinker. How do I use the prompt? However you like. Use it as inspiration for a discussion, use it to challenge yourself to blog on the prompt as a subject. Use it to help you with a scene that you're struggling with. Use it as inspiration for a piece of artwork. Bottom line: use your creative mind to come up with something amazing from this prompt. Are there any rules? No captcha. If you want to have comment approval, leave a note near the comments area. Too many people have been losing comments, and if their comment disappears, they should know that it didn't go into never land. No private blogs. If you share, make sure your blog is public. (You can always use my forum to blog publicly for a post, then share that link here.) No Grammar Police.  A lot of the people who join in are not professional writers. They enjo...

On . . . taking on the world

You go to bed exhausted and have no problem falling asleep. Only then to be woke an hour later. You’re exhausted and you want to do anything but get up. Your body pleads with you to go back to sleep. The warm covers beckon you, calling your name, but you can’t. You can’t ignore that sound. The one that says, “I need you.” You can’t go back to sleep. So you get up. Because there is a little face there counting on you, begging you to get up. Feeling anxious and worried, they are miserable. Their stomach hurts and they hope that you can do something about it. Crawling out of bed, you attempt the rolling out of bed so that you don’t wake the others. If, that is, there are others there. Then you waddle out to the hallway, tired, and attempting to fully wake up in the middle of the night so that you don’t fall asleep on your feet. Once that one is taken care of, an hour after you fall back to sleep, and an hour after that last one, another is crying in your face. Once more you debate w...

Young at Heart

“No matter what happens, always keep your childhood innocence. It's the most important thing.”   ―   Federico Fellini Why do kids always seem to be in such a hurry to grow up? When I think back to my own childhood, I look back with great fondness to a time when the biggest decision of my day was what outfit to put on Barbie and whether her and Ken should host a party at the Dream House, or perhaps take the Dream Vette out for a spin. Oh…decisions DECISIONS! Why in the WORLD would I …or any kid….have ever wanted to leave that kind of simple life behind us? Is it always wanting what we don’t have and the grass being greener on the grown up side? Is it seeing the adults around us being free to do things we wished we could, like going to cool places and doing fun things like driving, staying up late and eating as much ice cream and pizza as they want to? (Okay….looking at it that way….maybe I can see why ditching Barbie and the Vette wasn’t such a bad idea!) ...

Ariana's Cafe - Prompt 6 - August 6, 2014

Find us on Twitter @ArianasCafe I am @arianahbrowning What is Ariana's Cafe? Simply put: a place for the creative thinker. How do I use the prompt? However you like. Use it as inspiration for a discussion, use it to challenge yourself to blog on the prompt as a subject. Use it to help you with a scene that you're struggling with. Use it as inspiration for a piece of artwork. Bottom line: use your creative mind to come up with something amazing from this prompt. Share whatever you come up with below in the comments. If it's a blog post, share the link (always write some sort of description on the link so people will know you are not just a spammer). If it's a short story you want to share, again, share the link to it. If it's just a thought you had from the prompt, or maybe a scene that it helped you with, share that too. You do not have to share more than you want to, but even if you gained something from this prompt, I would love to hear it so I know th...