This is still in draft format, but I will update it as the edits are done. I am including this as the preview located in the back of Dark Illusions: The Beginning. [. . .] Sean acknowledged being stared at so he shifted to regard Cameron without a care in the world. One shoulder raised before Sean continued watching Kat. Watching her with that fixed interest that would get his ass kicked soon if he didn’t stop ogling what belonged to him , not Sean. Cameron cleared his throat. “Does someone know when the fuck Cyrus plans on joining us?” He slammed his hand down on the desk. Everyone jumped. Even Kat did despite having seen him about to strike the surface. Sean received the point and lounged back in the chair, regarding Cameron with an impatient glare. Not before giving Kat a final once over with clear interest. Kat glanced at Sean and back to Cameron, sensing the tension. Cameron swore he caught a...
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