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Showing posts from August, 2013

Draft snippet Dark Illusions: The Next Chapter

Chosen by random numbers by the lovely and gorgeous, Tiffani Bullock, here is a tidbit of DARK ILLUSIONS: THE NEXT CHAPTER . And it's quite the juicy tidbit! (Note: This is a draft excerpt, subject to change.) [. . . ] The fabric whispered against her skin, begging to be torn from her. Her long dark waves cascaded down her back and with every step she took, they whispered in motion, releasing her scent. Delectable and all-consuming. Her body all but screamed ‘take me hard’ and his pants grew constricted with the need. When she entered the main room, Kat commanded attention. Everyone had been right. Sean, had been right. Julian felt the power enter the room and he had the sneaking suspicion Kat was well aware of what she did. She didn’t falter under Cameron’s fury. She remained tall and proud. When she turned her head, Julian watched her hair move and reveal her bare back. The dress swept all the way down, gathering at her waist. [. . .]

Chat with other fans, friends, and family.

I've been trying to think of a way to bring all of us together. Some place that wasn't Facebook because not everyone is on there, not everyone is on G+, and for me personally, it gets really difficult to deal with a bunch of different sites, only to lose time better spent on my books. As you'd like, and I would too. Honestly it's also a matter of being tired of abiding by the social sites rules, versus my own. I would like you to have the freedom to chat with me and other people, not just when I post something. I may end up spending more time in the Forum/Message Board (whichever you like to call it, haha) than most social sites too. I cleaned up my Forum/Message Board and would love for you to come by. Introduce yourself, start posts, threads, whatever you'd like. I'd love for you to share with me images that you've come across that perhaps have made you think about one of the books. Or videos that have done the same. Discuss what you think is going to...