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Showing posts from July, 2012

Werewolf Story Official Page

WEREWOLF STORY (need a title for it) I have no name for this story, and since I've decided it will  be the next one up after ALWAYS CONSEQUENCES, I am making a page for it so people can come by, check out the draft synopsis, and even help with the title!  The first title I had for it was Wolf Mountain, but then I made a second version and changed it over to Wolf Mountain v2. Neither of those, I think, are bestsellers, so if you've like to recommend one, I'd be delighted to have you suggest something.

You want to make a living with your writing?

Some very interesting things always pop up when people learn that you're a writer/author, or when talking to other writers/authors. One of the most obvious and common, is making a living at it. Getting paid, to put your words down on a piece of paper, whether it's digital, or physical. Even I've said it. I want to make a living with my writing. i.e. I want to be able to afford to live off  my writing, and have it pay the bills, groceries, etc. Well, it's honestly pretty simple mathematics, or logistics, if you don't like math. Ask yourself some questions: How many hours do you work at your day-to-day 9-5 job? And you get paid a daily wage for it, yes? Now, looking at that; how many hours do you spend on your writing? That's including marketing, editing, writing, formatting, talking about it with people, and all the rest? Now, what if you were to ask your boss if you could cut your hours back to only doing it approximately one hour a day, or even one ...