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Showing posts from May, 2012

Are you too thin and not smart enough?

Saw this the other day. Now, as I know the woman behind the article, I have to say first that I completely agree with her views, and respect them. That being said, I have to say, as someone who looks like that right picture, and as "thin" to a lot of people: it isn't ANY better, or do you receive less criticisms when you're thin versus overweight, and it's not always a bad thing to be thin, nor to be 'fat.' Been on both sides of this issue myself as I was nearly 200 lbs once. Now, I do understand that most people consider thin to be unhealthy, but it isn't always. AND I have that body? But I weigh 150 lbs. That's right. I just said my weight. Publicly. :) And I used to look like that left picture, now I look like the left one and I weigh 150 lbs. That body takes work to maintain, achieve, and continue to keep. HEALTHILY. I do not starve myself (ask anyone who knows how much I eat, or what I eat for that matter), nor do I work out 24/7 (latel...