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Showing posts from December, 2011

Poem - Tough Times

Thought I'd re-post some of my old work while trying to update all my networking sites. Here's a poem written a few years ago! Poem - Tough Times   (March 13, 2009) Though there are tough times here and near There still shines a brightness within When times get tough and hopelessness sets in Remember the strength lies within To conquer, overcome, and come out above For without this test You’d never feel pain You couldn't truly appreciate the joy You wouldn't be alive So take that baby step forward For soon it will be miles And know you are never alone And as a special way of giving back, not just the advertising of all the wonderful blogs under my blogger friends link, but I thought I'd link a blog I've read that day, or previous days, to feature to drive up others' traffic as well. I want to help them just as much as they help me when I read what they post! So today's featurette will be to the abso...

Questions of the Day and Information on their return.

Just a really quick blog for you guys... just not a short one. This is to let you know that yes, Questions of the Day are STILL set to start after the first of the year. Yes, along with Awakened: The Beginning being available for purchase on the Kindle! Yay!! And fshewies... Questions of the Day will start posting the first week of the new year of 2012 (yay, woooohoooooo right?!) Where's the apppplllaaauuuuseeee???? K, thought so. I plan on taking over the world , and dominating the online world with my Questions  posting them on every service that people who may want to participate are on . I've been holding back on posting them all over but frankly, I'm sick of it. Tired of holding myself back for anyone as I'm done with it all. SO. I will be posting the Questions everywhere I am/can, which means the sites that I'm on, even if I'm not active on them. You may answer wherever you wish, but I will enable FB comments along with Blogger comments on my s...

E-book/Digital book formatting basics tips and tricks

E-book formatting tips for all my lovelies who've been wanting some help and what I've been reading on all the sites. Information for those getting into it, and if you have done it, feel free to add to what I've added, or let me know of things that have changed, whatnot. This is all things I've learned right now, but can change. Info: 1) Don't have more than five hard returns (clicking the enter button) between paragraphs, headings, what have you. It ends up reading wrong on the e-reader and you'll end up with blank pages. 2) Indent using Microsoft's formatting, not the Tab button. If you don't know how, go into your paragraph formatting and you'll see the Indents and Spacing, then Indentation, then in the drop-down menu, you'll see "Special" and "First Line" and choose .5 or less. .25 (have to manually type it in probably like I did) is better, unless you want a large looking gap between the side edge and the inde...

Some really adorable ideas!

From here - Okay, so I got my daily dose of Jenny on the Spot this afternoon while I ate (yes... I read while I eat) and if you haven't read her, you MUST! This is the blog post from today - Socio and Enviro-minded Gift-giving . Which led me to this one about Leg Warmers! How freaking cute are they? I'm so trying them. As a girl who has an extreme amount of "I is COLD" moments, I can fully appreciate the snuggly goodness of leg-warmers inside meh boots. Which by the way, if you don't know? I LOVES. Another blog of note that you must, must, must (that's a lot of musts because you what? MUST) check out is Home Stories A to Z and  the post from today... well, yesterday, but I just read it today, isssss (drumroll here) this one - Chocolate Covered Christmas Cake Balls {cake ball} . I'm getting that. Look at those possibilities! Instant brownie bites? You can read the comment at the bottom I left, but the possibilitie...

My dear fellow bloggers and readers I've found a prize!

From - - morguefile So I'm not entirely sure how I found this site, but I just entered the gates of Utopia and got a glimpse! [insert angel song here] Okay, so technically I'm a total book-crazed girl who loves to read so to MOI that is my version of Utopia. Endless books I can read, I just have to offer up a review as well! the site. a.k.a. Utopia If you haven't heard of it, let me explain a bit. You're a blogger and you like to read. Check. You send an application (moi did) and they approve or not. Check. You sign up to read a book and they send you a copy, you read, you review, and post it on your blog. Check check check. You know, if I get approved and all. [crosses fingers and wishes reallllllllly hard] That's it! How cool is that?! Applause. Oh no, I'm applausing myself. Whether or not I get approved, I am letting you know about it because I think that is an absolutely wonderful way ...

Tell me your ideas

So I've been thinking about this for a while and wanted to get your opinion on it finally. I was thinking about the way that other authors will tend to make fan pages, and blogs, just for their books (or series) as a way for fans to interact more with them, and the like. So I was wondering YOUR opinions on doing just that for my books as well BUT Instead of just having it a fan page, the thing I would do was take it one step further. I would include "lost diaries" or "deleted scenes (lost pages)" much in the same way that movies now have a behind-the-scenes ability with their DVD's where you can explore and watch other parts of the movies being made. Now obviously the blogs/fan pages would end up with the similar ideas of updates on the upcoming releases, deals, etc., however, I'd take it one step further and make it so that people who purchased the book and were fans, would have the ability to go there to the sites and read actual lost entri...

I can't take it anymore!!!

So. Yeah. I'm tired of being dark brown. Really, I'm not that dark. I keep choosing colors that pretty much look just like I was born with them and this one is no different. Thanks to the lovely Jo ( Her Blogies ) who advised me to use the "L'oreal Dark Brown (Natural)" as opposed to the L'oreal Dark Chocolate Brown (Warmer) as I was (because I wanted to erase my natural reddish tendencies and really go BROWN, not red) I actually got a more dark brown. The one I used "L'oreal Dark Brown (Natural)" And then I used WEN . No offense to Chaz Dean cause I loves him and he's too adorable but... it washed the color out so I'm left with more of a Dark Chocolate Brown (as in red highlights and caramel are showing up more than dark brown). Oh boy oh boy. More of what it turned out to be NOW. After messing with the Wen. "L'oreal Dark Chocolate Brown (Warmer)" Is it because I did anything wrong? Oh no, not at all. I ju...