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Showing posts from November, 2010

Grow up but please... don't change (they are in your past for a reason)

We all need to grow up. Eventually that happens whether we realize it or not. But what's even more important isn't us going from child to adult, but as adult's we grow as people. It's always interesting to me how people can change so much; or not. How some are just completely content being the same as they have always been, rather than to consciously grow as an individual person. Even more interesting is how a person can outgrow people around them. Where you realize that even though that person's situation has changed: maybe they got married, or had children, moved, etc., but yet they haven't changed. Their circumstances and environment changed. They may have even matured more than before. But again, they haven't changed. At. All. They were once so close to you. They were a friend/partner/love interest/family member and together you both made a pair. Something happens and you spend a while apart and when you come back, something is different. Which is when ...