So today I’ll be fixing the menu and the pages on this site. In case you’ve tried to use one of those things in the past two days and got an error. It will be fixed today. Didn’t get as many words as I would have liked , but it’s good enough. I was busy going back and forth on (love the site!). I wanted to find ideas for planets and names because as I was writing, a lot of what I wrote depended on the planet I was describing. Since I had new thoughts in mind, I couldn’t get out of it simply by doing a short {note – research} in my writing. Well, I could’ve but because a lot of the current story information was based on the specifics of said specific planet, I needed at least a few details to keep me going. Otherwise when I came back to that place in editing, there would be so few details I would find myself lost as to what I was doing, and the actual story would be missing. So I took the stance of risking word count to make sure I knew...